Bill on Secure Freedom Radio 11/9/21

Biden is threatening to shut down another American pipeline. With energy costs already skyrocketing, look for a tough winter ahead for ordinary Americans in keeping their houses heated.

Willful destruction or blithering ignorance? Virtually no one in the Biden Administration has any private sector experience. Take your pick, the bad consequences remain the same.

The core ideologues behind Biden’s climate policy are “de-growth” advocates who want the world’s economy to shrink. 

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is cracking down on Chinese companies who refuse to let our PCAOB audit their auditors. A rare case of the Biden Administration getting something right.

China is facing a big problem with the unwinding of its real estate investment markets. Massive debt levels and vast oversupply portend trouble ahead for China. Will this bleed into the U.S. economy, given our interrelationships. 

Joe Biden has nominated a full blown Marxist to be Comptroller of the Currency. She does not believe that the United States should have a private banking system, the industry she would be regulating.