Steve Moore and Bill Walton Part 2: Central Bank Digital Currency, DEI, and Our Economic Woes on Jenny Beth Martin

In the last episode of The Jenny Beth Show, I sat down with former Trump economist Steve Moore, and finance guru Bill Walton to talk about bank bailouts and the debt ceiling. Today, we continue the conversation and discussing like Central Bank Digital Currency or CBDC, how wokeism is destroying capitalism and the real struggle of small business owners to survive in this economy.



John F. Kennedy (00:02):

We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things. Not because they are easy but because they are hard.

Ronald Reagan (00:11):

Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall.

Donald Trump (00:17):

Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.

Speaker 4 (00:27):

Congress, President Obama, can you hear us now?

Jenny Beth Martin (00:36):

I, for one, am bound and determined to keep this republic and I know you are too. I will never give up. We can never give up.


Patriots, stand with us and fight for freedom. Fight for our constitution. Fight with us for the rights endowed by our creator. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Fight for a better future. We’re going to keep fighting. We will not stop until we get to the bottom of this.

Announcer (01:15):

The battle for America’s soul rages on. A wide open southern border, crippling national debt, the constant onslaught of wokeism and creeping socialism and the weaponization of government agencies against the people. Keeping our republic is on the line and it requires patriots with great passion, dedication, and eternal vigilance to preserve our freedoms.


Jenny Beth Martin is the co-founder of Tea Party Patriots. She’s an author, a filmmaker, and one of Time magazine’s most influential people in the world. But the title she is most proud of is mom to her boy girl twins. She has been at the forefront fighting to protect America’s core principles for more than a decade. Welcome to The Jenny Beth Show.

Jenny Beth Martin (02:01):

In the last episode of The Jenny Beth Show, I sat down with former Trump economist Steve Moore, and finance guru Bill Walton to talk about bank bailouts and the debt ceiling. Today, we continue the conversation and discussing like Central Bank Digital Currency or CBDC, how wokeism is destroying capitalism and the real struggle of small business owners to survive in this economy.


Well, Steve and Bill, thank you so much for being with me today. Earlier in the beginning of the conversation, you talked about and we kind of glossed over it. I want to unpack this a bit, CBDC, Central Bank Digital Currency and the concerns about that. Explain what that is and why people really should be concerned and then it’s not really a tin foil hat thing that some people might think.

Bill Walton (02:52):

Well, your eyes glaze over and you think CBDC. Maybe that’s a rock club in downtown Manhattan. But it’s not.

Jenny Beth Martin (03:00):


Bill Walton (03:00):

It’s something quite sinister. And what it is essentially is that instead of banking with your local bank or even one of the big banks, you end up with a bank account at the Federal Reserve or some affiliate of the Federal Reserve and so, the bank, the Federal Reserve is no longer the lender of last resort but it’s the primary provider of financial services. And what that means is that all of our financial services are essentially provided by the federal government.


Now, there are lots of different mechanisms how to bring it back, but I don’t think … The essence is once they get control of that, they can control where the money A) they know what’s in there, and B) they know what you’re spending it on, and C) they can block spending. They rolled out a credit card two years ago in Davos called that would said this is a great credit card. It’ll monitor your carbon footprint.

Jenny Beth Martin (03:57):

Oh, my goodness. It’s crazy.

Bill Walton (03:59):

And I thought that was crazy joke. And I got an email promotion from American Express, which is by the way part of the woke empire, saying your credit card is now outfitted so you personally can monitor your carbon footprint.

Steve Moore (04:15):

Not just you. They can monitor it.

Bill Walton (04:16):

Oh, by the way, we’ll help you, we’ll help you. We’re here. We’re the federal government. We’re here to help you monitor. So they’re taking advantage. And this is the same with people. Myron Evans joke about this thing. Republicans are also light green. They sort of nod, “Oh yeah, we sort of want to be green.” That’s extremely dangerous. You got to really toe the line to fight that stuff.


But the CBDC, we don’t know how it’s going to play out but that’s essentially what would happen. And a lot those 5,000 regional banks, small banks, well, they’re not going to be viable in that system and so you end up banking with the government.

Steve Moore (04:56):

And this of course is why there’s a war in Washington and at the Federal Reserve against cryptocurrencies because that’s a competitor to the government having control of the money supply. I’m not going to recommend or not recommend having cryptocurrencies. But people, the idea of having a non-government controlled currency is a good thing, not a bad thing. But I guarantee you that the government’s going to try to run them out of business.

Bill Walton (05:23):

Steve, do you think we could ever get back to gold?

Steve Moore (05:27):

You mean as … What do you mean by that?

Bill Walton (05:29):

To back our money. We’re on Richard Nixon’s money plan right now when he threw out the … What did he threw at, Bretton Woods?

Steve Moore (05:37):

Well, Steve Forbes is a big fan of that. I’d love to see some. I do think the dollar has to be anchored to something. And the idea that the Federal Reserve just makes it up as they go along is very economically destabilizing.

Jenny Beth Martin (05:54):

I heard some of the Senate Democrat leadership recently in a press conference say that increasing the debt ceiling it’s just a matter of paying our bills, and that those who are against it just don’t want to pay their bills. What would you say to that and how would you counter that?

Steve Moore (06:11):

You’re not going to get an increase in your credit card limit until you come up with a plan to get a out of debt. Period. End of argument. And if there’s … If Biden wants to … And by the way, would it be the end of the world if we didn’t? Let’s just assume that Biden sticks with this thing. I’m not going to negotiate this. Okay. So then, we at some point we reach out where we’re reaching the debt limit. Does that mean that we have to default on our debt? No. It means the government has money coming in every day. It would be like a de facto balanced budget. You can only, here’s the idea. You could only spend as much as you bring in. Oh gee, that’s what every business and household does. What a concept.


So, what would that mean? You’re going to have to prioritize. Well, what’s the top priority? As I understand it, the creditors have the first claim on the money so you pay the bonds, right?

Bill Walton (06:57):

The good old debts, yeah.

Steve Moore (06:58):

Then you pay your Social Security, then you pay your Medicare, then, “Whoops, we don’t have enough money for the Department of Education this month.” Would that be a disaster?

Jenny Beth Martin (07:05):

That probably would be. Might save America.

Steve Moore (07:08):

So, come on. So, why is Janet Yellen running around the country trying to scare people?

Bill Walton (07:11):

Well, the argument they have too, what they say, well, you had 17 Republican senators who voted for the Inflation Reduction Act.

Steve Moore (07:19):

Shame on them.

Bill Walton (07:21):

But that’s what we’ve got people who are playing for the other side and so it’s hard because in fact Mitt Romney was part of the group that said, “Yeah, we ought to spend this extra money.” I think over half of the money in the so-called Inflation Reduction Act went to the climate lobby.

Jenny Beth Martin (07:38):

It’s such a-

Bill Walton (07:39):

If I sound like a one note person here, I’m very concerned about what because it’s going to wreck the economy in addition to wrecking our budget.

Jenny Beth Martin (07:46):

Well, it is going to wreck the economy. And if we actually want to expand our economy and grow businesses here, I think we need fewer regulations, not more regulations, so that businesses could potentially manufacture in America again. You can’t manufacture when you have OSHA and the EPA and so many regulations that it creates an unbalanced playing field if you’re trying to manufacture in America versus China.

Bill Walton (08:16):

Well, let me give you an example versus manufacturing was driven out of the United States.

Jenny Beth Martin (08:18):


Steve Moore (08:18):

Here’s the thing. This is a good example. We had a bipartisan bill that passed congress in the last week or two, on this waters, that if you have standing water, if you have a puddle on your land, you know this because you got it, if you have a puddle on your land, that’s federally regulated. And you build something, they can come in and put you in jail for, “Oh, what about this little stream here?” So everybody realizes this is craziness. So the congress, even the Democrats agreed to repeal this rule so we can develop our land and create jobs. And Biden’s going to veto that bill.

Jenny Beth Martin (08:56):

Of course.

Steve Moore (08:57):

He’s going to veto it. If I were on your land, I’d be afraid to build anything. They’re going to come. They’re going to put you in jail. They’re going to put you in handcuffs and take … I’m serious. You think and you’re laughing, and-

Bill Walton (09:08):

I’m on the side of a mountain. I have excellent defensive perimeter. I’m not going to go into details.

Steve Moore (09:18):

No, but I have a lot of friends who live in rural Virginia. They have a little stream running through a property. And they’re terrified that the EPA is say, “Oh, you block this stream,” or whatever it is. This is just really a dangerous situation. My friend who runs the group Open the Books, I don’t know if you’re familiar with that.

Bill Walton (09:39):

Andrew unpronounceable last name.

Steve Moore (09:40):

Do you know how much weapons these federal agencies have? I’m not talking about the FBI. I’m not talking about the Secret Service. I’m talking about the Environmental Protection Agency, the IRS, the HHS. Why do they need weapons?

Jenny Beth Martin (09:54):

It’s not just weapons. They’re military grade weapons. It’s not just like a gun that they might have on a holster. It’s military grade weapons.


China doesn’t have the same kind of regulations. So if you want to make a battery in China and it harms the environment to manufacture it, you can. You can’t do that here but you can there.

Bill Walton (10:21):

Well Jennifer Granholm, our Secretary of Energy-

Steve Moore (10:24):

Who knows nothing about energy-

Bill Walton (10:25):

… is praising China’s work in reducing carbon emissions. China’s building a coal plant every week. They’re doing nothing except sort of giving head pats to Jennifer Granholm. I mean, how do we end up with these blithering idiots in all these cabinets?

Jenny Beth Martin (10:44):

DEI, Diversity, equity and inclusion, the executive order from 2021.

Bill Walton (10:45):

Transportation experts.

Jenny Beth Martin (10:50):

Oh, have you heard the federal government has told airlines they need to reduce their flights over the summer by 10% because they can’t get enough air traffic controllers thanks to Buttigieg issues.

Bill Walton (11:01):

Well, that’s affirmative action.

Jenny Beth Martin (11:03):

I’m sure it is.

Bill Walton (11:05):

No, they’ve given … They stopped administering competency tests for air traffic controllers and instead they’re doing personality profile interviews and they want to see if people have got the right personality profile. They’re not asking them about their algebra skills or their computational skills. It’s a personality test.

Jenny Beth Martin (11:27):

When I’m in the air, I don’t care what the personality is-

Bill Walton (11:30):

None of us do. None of us do-

Jenny Beth Martin (11:30):

… as long as they mathematically can get me back down on the ground.

Bill Walton (11:32):

That’s why what you’re doing here with the show, what we’re all trying to do. I think the more people … This is not getting reported anywhere in the mainstream media that you’re not going to hear this. I think when the normal people hear about all the bad stuff that’s going on, I think we can get the political act together and actually win some elections. But it’s worse than people imagine when you look it into … I’m driving down Independence Avenue to come down to visit you and I drive past the Capitol and I look at all these kind of really unattractive people going in and out of the Capitol building and they’re all lobbyists.

Jenny Beth Martin (12:11):


Bill Walton (12:12):

And they’re all people parading in and out of these buildings all in Washington, to try to get something.

Jenny Beth Martin (12:18):

I visited a member of Congress who’s on the Appropriations Committee.

Bill Walton (12:22):

Must be very popular.

Jenny Beth Martin (12:24):

During like a debt ceiling battle or something like that. He was never going to do what I wanted, but I was sort of trying to figure out what is it that the more squishy Republicans were thinking, just so I would have a better understanding. And he or his staffer, I think it was a staffer but he agreed with his staffer. He said, “We just don’t know what to do with you because you are the only people who come in here and ask for nothing and tell us you want us not to spend money.” I’m like, “That’s pretty easy. Just stop spending money.” But just, they wouldn’t ask for anything. They didn’t know how to handle me.

Bill Walton (13:02):

John Kyle, I think is a good guy but he invited me to his pack out and down in Miami to go to the Nascar races. He was a lawyer for Nascar. He’s a big Nascar fan. It was great to go down there. And I was down there for about 30, 35 people, with 30, 35 people and I was not in the … I’m a private sector guy. And on Sunday morning, he actually came up to me at about 11 o’clock. He said, “So why you’re down here?” And I said, “Well, I’m for good judges and limited government and low taxes and free America.” He said, “Well, you know we got a transportation bill that’s coming out next week. Don’t you have anything you want in that bill? Everybody else here’s got something.”

Jenny Beth Martin (13:47):


Bill Walton (13:48):

He wasn’t being cynical. He was just being just candid about what was really going on. It’s all very transactional. Everybody here’s got something they want to get in the bill, something they want to get for their industry. And what’s that … ? Steve, what’s that economic term where you got, it’s rent seeking and you’ve got concentrated interests against diffused people. And we got all these concentrated interests in Washington whether it’s a climate lobby or the light bulb manufacturers. Special interest. They’re highly specialized. And if they can get two lines or three lines in the big bills that nobody reads, they win.


I don’t know. I think we may need to start a Tea Party or something like that.

Jenny Beth Martin (14:31):

Yes, something like that. That’s what we’re trying to do. And I think it’s important that people understand these issues. I think we’ve got an issue right now today with people who are activists versus what we had when the Tea Party Movement first started.


When we first started, going viral was a brand new thing on the internet. Like it didn’t happen every single day. Now we’re in … Our call to action for having a Tax Day Tea Party went viral and we’re able to get a lot of people to come out and take action on it. Now, we’re in a situation where people go viral every five minutes online. There’s a video and you get a million views on this and 100,000 here and 200,000 there. And what’s happening I think is there’s such an information overload with all of the bad things that a lot of people are just going, “I don’t know how to make a difference.”


What I’m trying to do partly with these podcasts is elaborate on some of the issues a little bit more, rather than the five seconds or the 30 seconds you get on the news or the 60 or 90 seconds you get on Twitter or Instagram, and delve into the issues a little bit more. And then, in the next 20 months, all of us as citizens and activists are going to have to engage politically in the elections and work to make a difference because we cannot continue to have the incompetent people who meet the right, diversity, equity, and inclusion checklist checkbox running our government and destroying our country.

Bill Walton (16:14):

You know, there’s a president’s press secretary.

Jenny Beth Martin (16:19):

Yeah. Yeah.

Steve Moore (16:19):

There’s a … They talk all the time about diversity. And we did this study at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity that came out about six months ago. We just looked at the top 75 people in the Biden administration who deal with the economics, finance, business, transportation, energy, starting with the top, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, da, da, da, then his cabinet officials. And you know what the median number of years of business experience of these people is?

Jenny Beth Martin (16:42):

I’m afraid to know.

Steve Moore (16:43):

Zero. Zero. So that means they’re either community activists. They’re lawyers. They are government, people who spent their whole life in government, or university professors. And these are people who couldn’t run a lemonade stand. Right? And it wasn’t … People say, “Well, how did that happen?” It wasn’t like an oversight. They don’t want people to know anything about government, I mean about business, yeah.

Bill Walton (17:09):

About business, yeah.

Steve Moore (17:11):

They don’t want people because they think businessmen like Bill Walton are sinister.

Jenny Beth Martin (17:16):


Steve Moore (17:16):

And so is it surprising that we’ve got these results? Donald Trump, I have a great personal affection for him. I think he did a lot of great things for … I think he was a great president in a lot of ways, but a lot of the stuff he did was just common sense.

Jenny Beth Martin (17:32):


Steve Moore (17:33):

But he just understood. He had a businessman’s framework. I guarantee you these people in the White House today, they regard business as the enemy. Well, as my old boss Dick Army say, without businesses you don’t have jobs. That should be self-evident but they don’t understand.

Jenny Beth Martin (17:54):

And jobs are not a bad thing. Having a job is not a bad thing. I think that there are many on the left who think somehow that having a job is a bad thing. Doing hard work, like physically demanding type work is looked down upon.

Bill Walton (18:07):

Any work. The left has been demonizing work of all kinds forever, and that’s the problem, is that they demonize work and … If you do have one of these jobs in a McDonald’s that you’re a terrible person because you’re not doing … I guess you’re not doing political-

Steve Moore (18:26):

Exploiting. Exploiting.

Bill Walton (18:26):

You’re not being exploited. Political activism, yeah, it’s a big problem.

Jenny Beth Martin (18:32):

And I think that there’s a very good visual example of the lack of experience that people in his administration and cabinet have, and that’s when Pete Buttigieg went to East Palestine.

Steve Moore (18:45):

Well, I thought you meant when he went on his parental leave for something.

Jenny Beth Martin (18:47):

Well, that-

Steve Moore (18:48):

Nine months in the middle of a transportation crisis.

Jenny Beth Martin (18:51):

That true, but that too, but almost everything he does. But just watching him on the video while he was there, he looked so uncomfortable walking around an area where it was dirty and there was a real problem-

Bill Walton (19:06):

And there was a Michael Dukakis moment in the tank, yeah.

Jenny Beth Martin (19:07):

And there were people in need and it really was.

Bill Walton (19:10):


Jenny Beth Martin (19:10):

He just looked, he looked so out of place like he didn’t even know how …

Steve Moore (19:16):

That’s why those people in places like East Palestine voted for Trump. Trump was truly the blue collar middle class president. And they are the party of the rich. They are. The Democrats are. The wealthiest counties in the United States went overwhelmingly for Biden. They didn’t go for Trump.

Jenny Beth Martin (19:33):

Silicon Valley Bank.

Steve Moore (19:34):


Jenny Beth Martin (19:34):

It’s the rich people and it’s the leftists who support the Democrat policies who are …

Steve Moore (19:43):

Is it liberal guilt? What is it? I mean you’re pretty rich yourself. So why is it all your colleagues are liberals?

Bill Walton (19:50):

They all went to Yale.

Steve Moore (19:52):

Well, that’s probably-

Bill Walton (19:53):

We can’t overlook.

Steve Moore (19:54):

But do they feel guilt? No, do they feel guilty about having so much money?

Bill Walton (19:57):

They do.

Jenny Beth Martin (19:58):

Well, most of them didn’t earn it themselves. I don’t mean that they shouldn’t have it but maybe they didn’t build the businesses.

Bill Walton (20:05):

But the ones in Silicon Valley did.

Jenny Beth Martin (20:07):

Yeah, that’s true.

Bill Walton (20:07):

And it’s a mystery of the universe why they want to wreck society, wreck the economy in order to atone for their sins. They’re not committing any sins. I’ve always hated this term giving back because I thought if you’re running a good business, you’re giving a lot to society right there.

Steve Moore (20:26):

That’s for sure.

Bill Walton (20:31):

This is the question Sarah and I, my wife, we talk about almost every day, about how can these people believe what they believe.

Jenny Beth Martin (20:37):


Bill Walton (20:39):

I mean, it’s just, it’s astonishing. And yet, they’re in that tribe and that tribe rewards that behavior. And of course, let’s not forget that a lot of this diversity, equity, and inclusion, money that goes to … Who does it go to? Consultants, consulting firms, they’re huge contracts. The diversity consultant or DEI head at Ford Motor Company is getting paid almost a million dollars a year. And if you talk about climate, climate’s a good thing. Well, I’ve talked about this. There are trillions of dollars going into it. So, they’re getting rewarded for their “virtue” and so they’ve turned this virtue into a business and there’s a CRT.

Steve Moore (21:23):

Like Al Gore, right?

Bill Walton (21:24):

Like Al Gore. I mean there’s a CRT industry. There’s a DEI industry.

Jenny Beth Martin (21:29):

There’s an emerging environmental social governance industry.

Bill Walton (21:33):


Jenny Beth Martin (21:33):

They’re teaching that in colleges now.

Bill Walton (21:36):

I know.

Jenny Beth Martin (21:36):

And how to measure.

Bill Walton (21:39):

I went to business school. I can’t imagine being in business school now which is because they have all those there, all those courses.

Jenny Beth Martin (21:47):

And that’s one thing that really alarms me at the moment about the ESG. People are beginning to understand, at least be familiar with the term. By the time we understood what was going on with diversity, equity, and inclusion and critical race theory and critical social justice theory, it had already been taught in colleges for over a decade. And so the people who had been taught the theory were now acting on the theory in their professions.


The same thing is happening right now with ESG, but I think we’re at the beginning of it but there are textbooks about it. So, it’s being taught in colleges. We need to find a way to head that off before we have another generation of kids or another 10 years worth of kids who are just completely indoctrinated with it and then they go run businesses with that because we will have businesses failing left and right if that is how you run your business.

Steve Moore (22:43):

Luckily, those people are too stupid to be able to run a business but it’s posed upon them and it is … I’ll give one piece of advice to your viewers and listeners because I know you have people of all income ranges. It would help if all of our conservative donors just never gave another penny to a university. I mean, why are we putting money into the hands of our enemies?


I think about people like my dad. He was not political. He was a successful businessman and he gave a couple million dollars to Northwestern University. A) the last thing Northwestern University needs is $2 million, and B) they’re one of the most liberal places. They’re anti-America. I get so frustrated with so many of our conservative donors do that. And just stop giving money to universities. They can’t be saved. Now there are few good ones like the School of Michigan at …

Jenny Beth Martin (23:37):


Steve Moore (23:37):

Yeah, not that many. Sometimes we’re inadvertently arming our enemies and then we got to stop doing that.

Jenny Beth Martin (23:47):

Absolutely. Okay, before we go, Steve, when I saw you and saw lectures with you, maybe they weren’t lectures but you were doing presentations. During the Trump administration, I just remember you pointing to a curve that was going up and you had a huge smile on your face and you were very positive and optimistic. Things are bad right now. We’ve talked about how bad they are throughout this episode. Do you have confidence that if we have the right leadership, we can turn this around?

Steve Moore (24:21):

Of course. I mean America, we’ll get through this crisis. It’s just that every year we wait. We’re in a big ditch right now. We keep digging. Okay. First, stop digging. Right? Stop spending more money. Stop paying people not to work. Stop doing stupid things. Stop printing money.


Yeah, if we had a Donald Trump or a Ron DeSantis or Kim Reynolds or someone like that, I think we could bring an end to this quickly. And America’s incredibly resilient. I mean look how fast after three terrible presidents, Nixon, Ford, and Carter, Reagan came in and it took him 18 months, but he cleaned the whole thing up and we had a boom. So I do believe in America and I do believe that as Reagan said that it’s Divine Providence who put America here as a beacon of freedom.


One thing that really worries me. I don’t know if you saw the poll in the Wall Street Journal. In 25 years, half as many Americans are religious, half as many Americans are patriotic, and half as many Americans want a family as was the case 25 years ago.


So what we’ve done, and I don’t want to end this on a negative point, but if this continues, we are basically, look, if you don’t believe in country, god, or family, you start believing in the pagan god of big government.

Jenny Beth Martin (25:38):

That’s correct. So, we have to just make sure that as part of what we’re doing, we’re educating people on the value of our values and the importance of self-reliance and of family and of God.

Steve Moore (25:55):

And the free enterprise system.

Jenny Beth Martin (25:57):

Absolutely. I think that’s one of the most important things that we can do.

Steve Moore (26:01):

They’re not teaching out in schools today. None of that.

Jenny Beth Martin (26:03):

No. They are not. But we can and we are and we have to continue to do that.

Steve Moore (26:11):

Thank you, Jenny Beth. Good to be with you.

Jenny Beth Martin (26:13):

Well, thank you so much.

Steve Moore (26:14):

Your words of wisdom are fantastic.

Jenny Beth Martin (26:14):

Thank you very much Steve and thank you Bill. Thank you so much for being with me. Do you have any websites you want to let people know about?

Steve Moore (26:21):

I want everybody to get our Committee to Unleash Prosperity hotline. We are combating inflation by providing that for free to people so it costs you nothing. Just go to the Committee on Unleashed Prosperity website and sign up for that and we’ll be getting it to you every morning. You can read it five minutes every morning but I think people will really get a lot of value out of it.

Jenny Beth Martin (26:41):

It’s an excellent, excellent email. And Bill, what about you? You’ve got a podcast yourself.

Bill Walton (26:45):

I do. It’s and we’re on Substack and YouTube and Rumble and all the major podcast platforms. We’ve done about 220 shows so far, including you.

Jenny Beth Martin (26:59):


Bill Walton (26:59):

You’re great. You’re coming back on.

Jenny Beth Martin (27:00):

I would love to.

Bill Walton (27:01):

And Steve’s been on a couple of times. They get all our fellow travelers. But what we’re doing is exactly what you’re doing right now, is we want to take a topic and go deep into it so you can know how to talk about it to be an advocate. And it’s not particularly red meat but we’re very firm about works and what doesn’t work, and what’s moral and what’s not moral. And, this other side’s great except what they want to do. All they want to do is take our freedom, our money, and our dignity. That’s all they want.

Jenny Beth Martin (27:33):

And we cannot let this happen.

Bill Walton (27:34):

And we can’t let that happen. So it’s a show that’s not … We’re not yelling at you, but on the other hand we’ve got a really firm view about what works and what doesn’t work, and I think all three of us are on common ground on that one.

Jenny Beth Martin (27:47):

Absolutely. Well, thank you-

Steve Moore (27:48):

Thank you-

Jenny Beth Martin (27:49):

… both so much for being with me today.

Bill Walton (27:50):

Yeah, it’s fun.

Jenny Beth Martin (27:51):

Thank you. I am Jenny Beth Martin. This is The Jenny Beth Show. Thanks for joining us.


I really enjoyed the conversation with Steve Moore and Bill Walton and I hope you did too. Clearly, we have some major problems that we need to fix in our economy and in our country. If you want to stay informed on these issues, please subscribe to the podcast so you will know every time we post a new episode. Together, we can take meaningful action that will help put our country back on the path to prosperity.

Announcer (28:24):

The Jenny Beth Show is hosted by Jenny Beth Martin, produced by Kevin Mooneyhan, and directed by Luke Livingston. The Jenny Beth Show is a production of Tea Party Patriots Action. For more information, visit

Jenny Beth Martin (28:46):

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