EPISODE 241: A Victory for Free Speech with Jenin Younes

“America needs to come to terms with the reality and scale of the assault on free speech. Our government has established a vast system of censorship. By keeping it largely secret, it has been able to exert unconstitutional control over medical, scientific and political speech, suppressing debate over questions of great public importance. This is a shocking constitutional violation. All of us, not only the courts, need to recognize what is at stake.”

But the calvary may finally be arriving. With the recent ruling in the “State of Missouri vs Joseph R Biden et al” a major first shot has been fired at the “surveillance state”.

Judge Terry A. Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana has issued a preliminary injunction ruling that the Biden administration and other federal agencies suppressed free speech in an “Orwellian” manner during the pandemic.

In a significant victory for free speech, Doughty ruled that the Biden administration, including:

  • the White House
  • the FBI
  • the Department of Justice
  • the Surgeon General
  • the CDC
  • the Department of Health and Human Services

and other federal agencies could not communicate with or coerce the social media companies for “the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech.

And last week, the news got better.

In oral arguments during the federal government’s appeal of Judge Doughty’s ruling, the appellate judges resisted the Biden administration’s arguments trying to defend its social media censorship regime.

Nearly all of the points raised by DOJ lawyer Daniel Tenny, were met with skepticism by the three judges hearing the case.

Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod said the administration claiming it merely had a “very close working relationship” with social media companies was like the mob making demands without having to “spell out things.”

On the front lines in the case as one of the lead plaintiff attorneys, Jenin Younes with the New Civil Liberties Alliance joins me in this episode to talk about what’s at stake.

She explains:

“Essentially government employees in an astonishing number of agencies, including the White House, the CDC, the FBI, a Homeland Security agency called the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, were using all means of tactics, pressure, threats, and coercion in order to get the social media companies to censor people who expressed views that were different from the Biden administration’s.”

The explosion of social-media platforms has resulted in unique free speech issues.

Where the government – not directly but through platforms like Facebook and Twitter – has attempted to suppress alleged “disinformation” and blatantly ignored our First Amendment right to free speech.

This was especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Listen in for an astonishing story of how government abused its power to censor speech.

Fortunately we now have judges ruling for our right to free speech.

All in this episode of The Bill Walton Show.




“America needs to come to terms with the reality and scale of the assault on free speech. Our government has established a vast system of censorship. By keeping it largely secret, it has been able to exert unconstitutional control over medical, scientific and political speech, suppressing debate over questions of great public importance. This is a shocking constitutional violation. All of us, not only the courts, need to recognize what is at stake.”

But the calvary may finally be arriving. With the recent ruling in the “State of Missouri vs Joseph R Biden et al” a major first shot has been fired at the “surveillance state”.

Judge Terry A. Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana has issued a preliminary injunction ruling that the Biden administration and other federal agencies suppressed free speech in an “Orwellian” manner during the pandemic.

In a significant victory for free speech, Doughty ruled that the Biden administration, including:

  • the White House
  • the FBI
  • the Department of Justice
  • the Surgeon General
  • the CDC
  • the Department of Health and Human Services

and other federal agencies could not communicate with or coerce the social media companies for “the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech.

And last week, the news got better.

In oral arguments during the federal government’s appeal of Judge Doughty’s ruling, the appellate judges resisted the Biden administration’s arguments trying to defend its social media censorship regime.

Nearly all of the points raised by DOJ lawyer Daniel Tenny, were met with skepticism by the three judges hearing the case.

Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod said the administration claiming it merely had a “very close working relationship” with social media companies was like the mob making demands without having to “spell out things.”

On the front lines in the case as one of the lead plaintiff attorneys, Jenin Younes with the New Civil Liberties Alliance joins me in this episode to talk about what’s at stake.

She explains:

“Essentially government employees in an astonishing number of agencies, including the White House, the CDC, the FBI, a Homeland Security agency called the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, were using all means of tactics, pressure, threats, and coercion in order to get the social media companies to censor people who expressed views that were different from the Biden administration’s.”

The explosion of social-media platforms has resulted in unique free speech issues.

Where the government – not directly but through platforms like Facebook and Twitter – has attempted to suppress alleged “disinformation” and blatantly ignored our First Amendment right to free speech.

This was especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Listen in for an astonishing story of how government abused its power to censor speech.

Fortunately we now have judges ruling for our right to free speech.

All in this episode of The Bill Walton Show.


Episode 273: Investing in a Polarized America: Federalism and Entrepreneurship with Jim Pinkerton

In this lively episode of the Bill Walton Show, Bill talks with Jim Pinkerton in a thought-provoking discussion about investing in the turbulent waters of today’s toxic political climate. With a focus on the stark Red-Blue divide in America, Jim offers a contrarian view that it’s fertile ground for what he terms “directional investing.” 

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Episode 272: The Art of the Flail: Expert Takes on US National Security Blunders with Stephen Bryen and Brandon Weichert

This episode of The Bill Walton Show is a riveting discussion with two astute geopolitical analysts, Dr. Steven Bryen and Brandon Weichert. 

Together they dissect the exploding tensions in the Middle East, specifically about the dramatic escalation by Iran’s air attack on Israel. 

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Episode 271: Modern Dilemmas: Regulatory Capture, Global Governance, and the Surveillance State with Dr. Robert W. Malone

In this episode Bill Walton is joined by Dr. Robert Malone in a wide ranging and engaging discussion about modern societal and financial control mechanisms. Their great concern is the relentless and growing overreach of both governments and corporations into personal freedoms through the guise of security, safety and public health.

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Episode 270: Voices in the Supreme Court: Protecting Our Free Speech with Aaron Kheriaty and Jenin Younes

On March 18, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case Murthy v. Missouri challenging whether the government can induce social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to censor constitutionally protected free speech.  

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Episode 269: How the United States’ Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed Fueled China’s Rise with Jim Fanell and Brad Thayer

After achieving victory in the Cold War against the Soviet Union, US political leadership, starting with the Clinton Administration, has made a continuing string of strategic blunders that have brought the United States to the point where – after building China up for decades – we face an enemy determined to become the new global hegemon and that now possesses equal economic, military and diplomatic resources.

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