Tom Fitton

Tom Fitton is the President of Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption.

As president of Judicial Watch since 1998—and with over 25 years’ experience in conservative public policy—Fitton helped turn Judicial Watch into America’s largest and most effective government watchdog organization.

He has testified before Congress and is an internationally recognized expert on government corruption, election integrity, immigration enforcement, and open government. Under his leadership, Judicial Watch was named one of Washington’s top 10 most effective government watchdog organizations by The Hill newspaper.

Fitton is the author of the New York Times best-sellers Clean House: Exposing Our Government’s Secrets and Lies and The Corruption Chronicles. He is the executive producer of the documentary movie District of Corruption. His latest book, A Republic Under Assault, released October 20, 2020, is his third New York Times bestselling book.

Fitton obtained his BA from The George Washington University and resides in the Washington, DC, area with his wife, Kelli, and their three daughters.

Episode Appearances