Episodes About


Part 2: Money Greed and God with Jay Richards

Economics as a discipline suffers from “physics envy” when it tries and fails to build mathematical models of the economy and society. Instead, it should be studying human behavior and focus on the intersection of health, morality, philosophy, wealth creation and how to bring people out of poverty, Jay Richards says on The Bill Walton Show.

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Part 1: Money Greed and God with Jay Richards

We know from history and evidence all around us, which economic system works, and which one makes people the happiest. It’s the economic system of free enterprise. But is it the most moral? Bill Walton explores the question with Jay Richards, author of the newly reissued book “Money, Greed and God.”

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The Schools We Need with Jeanne Allen and Sarah Walton

America’s K-12 education system and institutions were designed in a different era for a different society, and we are at grave risk today from this obsolete system, which fails to prepare all children to succeed as adults. In fact, the system we have now was never designed or intended to reach all children.

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“The Power of Social Media” with Mike Thompson and Beverly Hallberg

The Bill Walton Show: Episode 03 – Thanks to the Internet and, increasingly, social media, we’re more connected than ever. We have Facebook friends and Twitter followers. We use Snapchat and Instagram to show our spontaneous sides. We post, comment, like, share and retweet information like never before. We engage. We sell. We persuade.

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