EPISODE 280: How to Conduct an Honest Election

It won’t be news to anyone that this upcoming election is fraught with many potential problems.

Based on a new study by Just Facts, 10% to 27% of “non-citizen” adults in the U.S. are estimated to be illegally registered to vote. Aggressive attempts to debunk the study have completely failed.

With roughly 20 million adult non-citizens living in the United States, about two to five million of who used to be called illegal aliens are now illegally registered to vote. This means that there are enough votes to overturn the votes of the American citizens in the upcoming congressional and presidential elections.

Here’s another big issue to consider: 2020 was the first time an election was conducted by mass vote-by-mail. It was a train wreck. According to federal data, election officials do not know what happened to nearly 15 million mail ballots in 2020. Biden’s victory margin was smaller than the number of missing and undeliverable ballots. Vote-by-mail is the worst way to run an election, yet we’re plowing ahead with this once again.

To dig into these, and many other voting issues, Bill Walton is again joined by

Cleta Mitchell, Senior Legal Fellow at the Conservatives Partnership Institute and one of the leading election integrity experts in America, and

James D. Agresti, the president and cofounder of Just Facts, a research institute dedicated to publishing extensively researched and documented facts about public policies.

Here’s some of we talked about to ensure free and fair legitimate elections:

  • 03:30-05:14 Demand proof of citizenship for every voter registration—no proof, no vote.Without citizenship verification, the integrity of the entire election is at risk.


  • 07:30-08:15 Purge voter rolls of ineligible non-citizens—it’s not suppression, it’s fairness.
    Dirty voter rolls lead to dirty elections. Clean them up or lose democracy.
  • 05:14-06:44 Ban driver’s licenses for non-citizens if used for voter registration—enough loopholes!
    Driver’s licenses should never be a backdoor for illegal voting.
  • 06:30-07:00 Expose left-wing groups enabling illegal voting—they’re undermining your vote.
    Billions of your tax dollars fund left-wing groups assisting non-citizens to vote.
  • 12:21-12:56 Enforce strict penalties for non-citizens caught voting—deportation and prison.
    Voting is a sacred right; illegal participation should have real consequences.
  • 17:10-17:39 End the Democrats’ reliance on non-citizen votes—stop the “great replacement.”
    Changing the electorate to maintain power? That’s the real threat to democracy.
  • 33:21-33:30 Make Election Day a national holiday—end the endless election season madness.
    Voting must be a one day event, not a season. Stop the manipulation of election outcomes through extended voting


  • 35:30-37:13 Challenge media and big tech bias—Google is rigging elections through search results.
    Big Tech is controlling what you see, steering elections. Push back or be silenced.
  • 28:30-28:49 Block all mail-in voting unless citizenship and identity are verified—no excuses.
    Voting by mail without checks is an invitation to fraud. Time to stop it.
  • 18:00-18:51 Stop treating non-citizens as political pawns—vote manipulation is the real voter suppression.
    Non-citizens dilute the votes of legitimate citizens. That’s the ultimate suppression.
  • 18:00-18:51 Every illegal vote nullifies a legitimate citizen vote—don’t let them cancel you out.
    Your vote should not be diluted by an illegal vote cast by someone who is not a citizen
  • 12:00-12:21 Push for criminal prosecutions for anyone facilitating illegal voting—no more leniency.
    It’s time to hold people accountable for undermining elections—starting with those enabling the fraud.

These are the bullet points. For a fuller understanding, listen in.




Bill Walton (00:00):

We have an election coming up in case you haven’t noticed, and it’s a very important election for President of the United States and for control of the House and the Senate. We’re hearing all the polls and it’s supposedly neck and neck in one poll or Trump is way ahead, or Kamala is way ahead to another. Well, the polls may not matter, and what we think of as voting in America may not matter because the game has changed. We all know about [00:00:30] the wide open border that we’ve had during the entire Biden-Kamala-Harris administration. And the estimates now they’re up to… We maybe have 20 million illegals in America. I think that’s low. I’ve heard numbers as high as 40 million.


So we need to talk about what that means for the election and what we can do about it. One estimate, but according to Just Facts is that we may have 2 to 5 million illegally [00:01:00] registered voters. So let’s figure out what to do about that. And now is the time. Just too much shy of the election. To talk about it, I’ve got an old friend back on. Cleta Mitchell, senior legal fellow, I believe still at the Conservatives Partnership Institute. She’s essentially the leading election integrity expert in America, and she’s the go-to person.


She testifies in front of the House and Senate all the time, and she has depth of knowledge that I want to tap in today. And then [00:01:30] of course we have Jim Agresti, longtime visitor to this show who runs and founded Just Facts. And he authored a very interesting survey recently about the immigration, illegal immigration problem. And so that’s where we’re going to start. So. Jim, let’s kick off with you. In a nutshell, what’s been happening?

Jim Agresti (01:54):

So illegal voting by non-citizens is a crime in all 50 [00:02:00] states, just like being here illegally is a crime, but it’s a crime that is rarely enforced on both fronts. So in order to understand how prevalent it is, you can’t use traditional measures like counting prosecutions. That would be as silly as saying, “Oh, we’re going to figure out how many people in the United States are smoking marijuana by how many prosecutions there are.”


You have to look at it much more scientifically and more [00:02:30] objectively. So the way we did that is we used data from a Harvard YouGov survey, which was weighted to be representative of non-citizens. And we cross-referenced that with voter databases using data from an academic. And we found that approximately 10 to 27% of all non-citizens in this country are registered to vote. That’ll give you a feel for the scale of that. And we’re using [00:03:00] a lowball estimate for the number of them here.


That means approximately two to 5 million non-citizens will vote in the upcoming presidential election. That is more than enough to swing congressional seats, Senate races, and yes, the electoral college.

Bill Walton (03:20):


Cleta Mitchell (03:21):

Well, the thing that people will ask me is, “Well, how do they get registered?” Aren’t there barriers? Isn’t [00:03:30] there some requirement for proof of citizenship to register to vote? And the answer for that is there should be, but there isn’t. In 2013, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the National Voter Registration Act, which was Bill Clinton’s top priority first bill in the Congress, that after Bill Clinton was elected president, the NVRA, which we all know as a Motor Voter, it’s a federal law that requires states [00:04:00] to register people to vote when they come into contact with the driver’s license agencies, or social services agencies.


And so people getting driver’s licenses are given this form. It’s the Federal Voter Registration form, and it says, “Are you a US citizen? Check the box, yes or no.” But when Arizona went back in 20… Poor Arizona. They’ve been trying to get documentary proof of citizenship for more than 20 years, and they asked the Election Assistance Commission [00:04:30] which was established, it’s a federal agency, would you please add to the Arizona form the requirement that we have passed in our legislature?


It’s a state law that you have to provide proof of citizenship in order to register to vote in Arizona. That went to the Supreme Court 11 years ago. The court said, “No, only Congress can decide what goes on that form.” So we now have a situation where states are not allowed to ask for documentary [00:05:00] proof of citizenship. And the only two ways that the federal law requires verification, anyone who’s registering to vote is to verify their identity and their residency.


What’s missing from that list? Citizenship. Because 22 years ago, no one could have imagined a situation where we have open borders and the immigration laws are not being enforced. So what we have now is a system whereby [00:05:30] verification of identity and residency is accomplished by two steps, a driver’s license or a social security number. Well, guess what? Every state issues a driver’s license to non-citizens. And 19 states in the District of Columbia issue driver’s licenses to illegals.


Social security numbers are issued to non-citizens. And increasingly under this administration, under the Biden-Harris [00:06:00] administration, we’re seeing that categories of illegals that are allowed to get social security numbers have increased exponentially. So the two things that are supposed to verify identity and residency do not even approach verifying citizenship. So we have a very porous registration system and we have all these illegals pouring into the country being shepherded all over [00:06:30] the country by left-wing advocacy groups who are getting paid billions of our tax dollars to get these people benefits, housing. And what else? IDs, driver’s licenses.


So the problem we have is we have a very porous voter registration system, and once they’re on the rolls, it’s virtually impossible to figure out who they are and to keep them from voting. That is the threat.

Bill Walton (06:57):

Well, and the process is pretty much controlled [00:07:00] by the Democrats, if I’m not mistaken. I mean, this is their bread and butter.

Cleta Mitchell (07:06):

Yes, it’s their bread and butter. And they’ve been doing this for many years and one of the things that the Democrats are doing is they make it virtually impossible to remove anyone from the voter rolls once they’re on the rolls. Now, the law basically envisions that when you’re first enrolled as a voter, registered as a voter, that that’s a valid registration. And what [00:07:30] we know is that’s not always the case, and the Democrats fight mightily against it and their left-wing advocacy groups, their massive litigation network on voting issues.


They sue states and counties and threaten states and counties to file suit against them if they remove anybody from the voter rolls. So they really want dirty voter rolls. And they have achieved in some states like Nevada, a statute whereby they send [00:08:00] a ballot. Not an application, but a ballot to everyone on the voter rolls. And we know that there are tens of thousands of ineligible voters on the voter registration rolls in Nevada who are going to get a ballot if we don’t stop them.

Bill Walton (08:15):

Well, the naive question, the naive person would say, “Well, geez, so they’re eligible to vote, but they could vote either way.” That hasn’t happened. Jim, you’ve done a lot of research on how these people are likely to vote.

Jim Agresti (08:29):

Yeah. [00:08:30] I would argue, believe it or not, that the system is even more porous than Cleta outlined here. And I’ll tell you why. If you look closely at that federal voter identification form, you’ll see if you don’t have a driver’s license number or social security number, notice I said number, not actually a card or proof of it, just a number, you can submit a utility bill or a bank statement.


If you look at states like New Jersey, I’m [00:09:00] a refugee from New Jersey, so I looked at the voter registration form there. It says things like a club membership, a student ID, a rent receipt are all legitimate for getting you registered to vote. And then on top of that, there’s a whole nother level of openings for people to vote, and that’s this, illegal fake IDs are rampant in the illegal immigrant community. [00:09:30] Cleta mentioned that 2013 Supreme Court ruling. That same year, the chief actuary of the Social Security Administration did a study of illegal immigrants in the system and estimated 700,000 of them are in the social security system because they submitted a fake birth certificate.


They’re completely in the system and integrated in society right now. That’s 700,000 and [00:10:00] another 1.8 million work by using other people’s social security’s numbers. They just stole it. They have a fake ID fake card with somebody else’s number on it and that allows them to work in this country. Then on top of that, you had in 2017, Trump issued an executive order about using fake ID to register to vote and obtain other benefits in the United States, which by the way is against the law.


He was just saying, “This law is going to be enforced under [00:10:30] me.” And the head of the California State Senate, fellow by the name of Kevin de Leon gave us speech on the floor saying, “This is outrageous. Under this executive order, half my family would be deported.” And anyone who knows anyone who’s undocumented knows that entirely everyone has secured some sort of fake ID, a fake driver’s license, a fake green card, a fake social security card. You name it. All of these things, [00:11:00] even if we had checks in place, which we don’t provide broad openings for noncitizens to vote.

Bill Walton (11:08):

So a couple of questions. One, how much of what you just described as a crime and or a felony. I mean, I would think faking your birth certificate would be a crime everywhere in anywhere. But yet that’s not enforced as I understand it. And so we’ve got people that not only [00:11:30] came into the country illegally, which is a crime, but they’re committing crime after crime after crime to get all this documentation and all these other things you’re talking about. Is that about the way to think about it?

Jim Agresti (11:42):

What you’re describing, Bill, it is a federal crime, a felony punishable by up to five years in prison. So I have to laugh when Democrats start saying no one is above the law, particularly when it comes to their prosecutors going after Donald Trump. [00:12:00] But yet they have made millions upon millions of people above the law in this nation by refusing to enforce the law, i.e. prosecutorial discretion against these non-citizens who are coming here illegally using fake ID, voting illegally, obtaining welfare illegally.

Cleta Mitchell (12:21):

Well, that’s right-

Bill Walton (12:22):

They’re all prone to vote… Go ahead, Cleta.

Cleta Mitchell (12:25):

Well, it’s a federal crime to impersonate, to hold yourself out as a US [00:12:30] citizen if you’re not one. And that is a barrier to being eligible for naturalization. It’s a deportable offense in addition to what Jim was saying about five years in prison. It’s deportable. But again, you’re exactly right. There has been no enforcement. There’s been no effort. There’s been no public education campaign. There’s been no effort by the Democrats, and here’s why.


Let’s just look at the Democrats voting records in this Congress. [00:13:00] Over the years, there was… Historically, there was a question on the United States decennial census for 140 years that said, “Are you a US citizen?” Some form or fashion. Some question like that. Then Congress passed a law called the Alien Registration Act. And that bill, that law required registering all aliens, everyone who’s [00:13:30] not a citizen. So it created this registry.


So the Census Bureau decided that they didn’t need to ask the question, are you a citizen? Because over here they had this Alien Registration Act. What happened was that Congress ended up repealing the Alien Registration Act, so there’s no registry of non-citizens. But the Census Bureau did not put the question back on the census. And when President Trump tried to put it back on for the 2020 [00:14:00] census, the left lost their collective minds, filed suit in the US Supreme Court. And ultimately, even though on the merits, the Trump administration won, but it was remanded for administrative procedures act violations or…

Bill Walton (14:18):

The Census Bureau was not allowed to ask people if they were citizens?

Cleta Mitchell (14:22):

That’s right. There was a bill in Congress this year to require that the Census Bureau reinstate [00:14:30] the citizenship question. Every Democrat voted no. There was a bill that required apportionment of house seats among the states to be based on citizen population, not just inhabitants in total population. Every Democrat in the house and Senate opposed that bill, voted no. Why? Because it is estimated that after the 2010 census, California would have lost four house seats, [00:15:00] had the citizenship been apportioned, or apportionment based on citizenship instead of population.


After the 2020 census, studies have shown that California would’ve lost three house seats and had the Congress been apportioned by citizenship instead of population. Well, that’s seven house seats in the US house. But guess what else it is? It’s seven electoral votes for the Democrats. So the Democrats voted no on the citizenship question. They [00:15:30] have voted no on the bill to require apportionment to be based on citizenship, and every house member voted no to overturn the District of Columbia’s new law because Congress has the authority to oversee the laws of the District of Columbia.


Every house member voted no to overturn the law that the DC Democrats adopted, which is to allow non-citizens to vote in DC [00:16:00] elections. That means that if you’re an employee of the Communist Chinese Embassy in Washington, you can vote supposedly only in DC elections. But trust me, having lived in the District of Columbia for more than 20 years, they can’t manage one voter list, much less be able to discern whether you’re a citizen or non-citizen in which ballot you’re supposed to get. Democratic-

Bill Walton (16:23):

Well, I guess in DC-

Cleta Mitchell (16:24):

That’s in DC.

Bill Walton (16:26):

I don’t think Trump’s going to carry DC. What did he get? He got 3% [00:16:30] before. But the general point is exactly right.

Cleta Mitchell (16:34):

The pattern is that Democrats are basing their political future on non-citizens. That is part of their national global plan for their political power. And why? If you cannot sell your policies and your proposals for the country to turn America into a Marxist, one world country, destroy [00:17:00] our sovereignty, well, what do you do if you can’t persuade a majority of the electorate? You just changed the electorate. That’s what this is about. It is by design. It is not an accident.

Bill Walton (17:10):

Well, we’ve been shut down when we say the great… We talk about the great replacement theory, but listening to this and everything else, it’s a fact. I mean, this is the strategy. It’s the great replacement scheme. And Jim, this is not… You’ve done some analytical work on how these people [00:17:30] vote. It’s not just conjecture that they vote in large percentage for Democrats. What have you done? Talk about your research.

Jim Agresti (17:39):

So it’s not my research, it’s research from another scholar, an old Dominion University professor.

Bill Walton (17:44):

You’re allowed to borrow. Great artists steal.

Jim Agresti (17:46):

So anyway, he’s found looking at several elections at this Harvard YouGov survey that approximately 72% to 83% of all non-citizens vote [00:18:00] for Democrats in presidential elections. So that is a massive swing. This isn’t a 50-50 thing where, hey, they helped one party and they hurt the other. What’s interesting in all this is you hear Democrats saying, “Well, we can’t have this verification. It might suppress the vote.”


Somebody doesn’t have a birth certificate or proper ID, forget the merits of that for a moment because I think we all know how silly that is. But the point is this, [00:18:30] every non-citizen who votes illegally cancels out the vote of a citizen, period. So that is the greatest form of voter suppression in our country. They are suppressing citizens’ constitutional right to vote.

Cleta Mitchell (18:51):

It’s absolutely true and it’s deliberate. That’s the part that we have to realize and that people must focus on. [00:19:00] It is deliberate. A vote for these people, these Democrats running for president, congress, state, legislatures. I mean, Vermont is a a state completely controlled by Democrats. They’ve adopted as a state policy and law that non-citizens can vote in Vermont. There is a pattern here and these local communities controlled by Democrats all over the country that are adopting [00:19:30] these ordinances and procedures to allow non-citizens to vote, which is why there is an effort, national movement to have states adopt constitutional provisions that say, in this state, only citizens of the United States can vote in any election.


There were eight states that have already approved that amendment. There are eight states this fall will have that on the ballot and it passes by 80 [00:20:00] to 89% in every state. And it will keep some of these Democrat controlled localities from adopting these non-citizenship voting provisions. But this is a real plan. [inaudible 00:20:17]

Bill Walton (20:17):

How much of the fight is at the state level and how much is at the federal level? I mean, how do we get back at this?

Cleta Mitchell (20:24):

Well, I think that we have to… And I’ve been doing a lot with… We have an only citizens vote coalition. [00:20:30] People are interested, they can go to the website of www.onlycitizensvotecoalition.com. We have a lot of resources for people to be able to download and use with their local officials, with their state officials. We have model legislation, we have model policy. We’ve got the model only citizens voting amendment letters that people can send to the editor, letters to the editor and resources. We just have [00:21:00] to start making a lot of noise about this because if we as citizens don’t fight back, we’re going to lose our country to this massive influx of illegals.


And as I say, they’re vulnerable population. They’re able to be manipulated by these leftist advocacy groups, and we need to be worried about the law-breaking, about the living under the… And these illegal… As [00:21:30] Jim was pointing out all the illegal papers that they have, but the worst and the biggest threat is that to our national sovereignty by having illegals allowed to vote.

Bill Walton (21:40):


Jim Agresti (21:42):

There was a survey done by Pew Research about 10 years ago, and they interviewed immigrant Latinos and they asked a simple question, would you like a government to be larger and provide more services or smaller and less invasive? And I believe the figure was about 85% [00:22:00] of them said larger and more services, which makes sense. A lot of these people are low income people. They’re poorly educated, so they’re looking for help. Okay? Now, but when you compare that to the general US population. It’s 40%.


So this is a natural constituency for the Democratic Party. People say, oh, these people have no motive to vote. That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. You have a party that is telling them, we will let you stay here. We will [00:22:30] provide you and your family welfare, and ultimately we will make you citizens. That’s in the Democratic Party platform.

Bill Walton (22:37):

So what’s the profile of these people? I mean, Donald gets on and talks about criminals and murderers and members of the Chinese Communist Party. And he’s certainly right about a lot of the people coming across the border now. But generally speaking, what’s the education level, the literacy level, the talent level of people [00:23:00] coming in? And the sense of this question is, I get into it a little bit with my venture capital friends and say, “Well, we need immigration to keep our talent pool up and people are running companies need people for these jobs. But it sounds to me like the people coming are sort of the least desirable people. Didn’t Venezuela open its prisons to send people across our border?

Jim Agresti (23:27):

Well, that’s debatable. That’s a question right now. [00:23:30] I know Trump is saying that. I haven’t seen hard proof of it.

Bill Walton (23:33):

We want fact-checking.

Jim Agresti (23:35):

What were you going to say, bill?

Bill Walton (23:36):

We can fact check him. You’re the guy.

Jim Agresti (23:38):

Exactly. What we do have hard proof of is the education level of illegal immigrants is extremely low. Approximately 40% of them don’t even have a high school diploma. I’m talking about adults, not kids. Okay? Now there’s a reason for that because [00:24:00] we have an immigration system in this country that basically the laws, without getting too wonky about it, they ensure that people immigrate here who are going to contribute more than they take. And these people can’t get in under those laws.


In fact, the illegal border crosses can’t even get a travel visa and then overstay that visa, right? They’re not even eligible for that because they are known threat to the prosperity or safety and health of this [00:24:30] country. So Biden is welcoming them by the millions. And yes, these people, again, they are people who are going to vote for Democrats, who are going to use a lot of social services.


It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re bad people. I mean, a lot of them are hardworking and they are polite and they’re kind, but amidst their ranks, when you start letting in people who are not vetted, you are going to get an extraordinary amount of criminals. And contrary to [00:25:00] what the left and the so-called fact-checkers will tell you, these serious crime rates, I’m talking serious crimes, things like DUIs, assaults, murders are far, far higher among illegal immigrants than the general US population.


And the left cites all these studies and we’ve got each of them debunked on our website at justfacts.com. But what they do is they use some really… I don’t know what, other to call it then dishonest methodologies [00:25:30] to arrive at these conclusions. Number one, they mess with the denominators. They use extremely high denominators to make the rates look smaller. Number two, they failed to account for the fact that most of criminals are repeat offenders.


So what happens is with non-citizens, if you get convicted of a crime put in jail, when you’re done, you’re generally deported. And so they don’t look at what happens with that. Because imagine what would happen in [00:26:00] the United States if every criminal we had in this country got kicked out of the country when their sentence was done? The crime rate would plummet. So you can’t look at the crime rates of non-citizens who remain in the country, but those who enter the country.


And there’s three other little sneaky things they do to basically cook the books and turn the fact that these people have an inordinate amount of serious criminals among them into the exact opposite of reality to say, “Oh, they’re extremely [00:26:30] law abiding.” Nothing could be further from the truth.

Bill Walton (26:33):

So you’re describing a dystopian nightmare, and if we don’t end up turning this around or stopping it, we don’t have a country. A lot of people are feeling that way already. Now, let’s hope and dream that Trump wins the presidency and Republicans control the Senate and Republicans retain control of the house. What could we do? Let’s give people [00:27:00] a reason to get out and vote to make that happen. What could we do to stem the tide?

Cleta Mitchell (27:07):

I will tell you that for purposes of strengthening our election laws, we need to do what the Democrats always do when they take control. HR1. It’s a little known fact that the speaker of the house, whoever the party of the speaker is, speaker has the first 10 bills. HR1 to HR 10.

Bill Walton (27:29):

HR1 is the first bill that comes out. Okay. [inaudible 00:27:31]

Cleta Mitchell (27:30):

[00:27:30] And those first 10 bills are the speaker’s priorities for that Congress. HR1 for the Democrats has been and always is a political process bill. HR1 in 1993 was the National Voter Registration Act. When Nancy Pelosi became speaker again in 2007, it was a lobbying registration reporting law. When Nancy Pelosi became speaker in 2019, HR1 [00:28:00] was a federalization of our election laws. It’s everything the election integrity advocates oppose.


By some miracle, president Trump wins, Republicans control the House and Senate, I am begging the Republicans that HR1 should be a bill that fixes the National Voter Registration Act, gets rid of the prohibition on requiring documentary proof [00:28:30] of citizenship, gets rid of the barriers to cleaning voter rolls, make certain that voting by mail in federal elections is restricted and not unlimited simply because for one thing, the post office cannot handle it. And that’s pretty clear.


There are a number of things that could be done to make our elections stronger and return some systematic integrity. I hope that the [00:29:00] Republicans, that would be what HR-I should be in the next Congress, and that’s really important to me.

Bill Walton (29:09):

You described something that you’ve been talking about forever, and I’m utterly convinced that you’re right. As Republicans, we spend our time quibbling about this policy or that ideal, or are we sticking to the constitution? Democrats focus on one thing, the levers of power process-

Cleta Mitchell (29:27):

That’s right. Correct.

Bill Walton (29:28):

… process, process. And [00:29:30] processes is boring, and it’s-

Cleta Mitchell (29:33):

Not to me.

Bill Walton (29:34):

Oh, I know not to you, but you’re built. You have a bigger brain than most of us.

Cleta Mitchell (29:40):

No, no, no. I cut my political teeth as a Democrat.

Bill Walton (29:44):

Okay. Well, there we go.

Cleta Mitchell (29:45):

I served five years in the legislature in Oklahoma as a Democrat. I know how Democrats think, and it has just been shocking to me to realize first I left the Democratic Party. I was an independent for many, many years and only had been registered [00:30:00] as a Republican the last 10 years. But honestly, it’s just that Democrats and Republicans have completely different worldviews on this, and there are just so few on the conservative side who realize that it’s just like a lawyer in law school.


The most important classes that you have in law school are not necessarily the substantive law classes. That just teaches you to do issue spotting. The most important classes are your procedural classes. [00:30:30] What is the criminal procedure? What is the civil procedure? There are four courses on civil and criminal procedure in law schools, and that’s because you can have the best lawsuit in the world, but if you don’t get the procedure right, who to file, what’s standing, all of those technical grounds, you can’t ever get your day in court.


That’s what Democrats understand about election laws, campaign finance laws. Political process controls the [00:31:00] outcome of the policy discussion and the left has devoted billions of dollars over the last 20 years to change our political process.

Bill Walton (31:10):

That’s the question I wanted you to dig into a little bit more. Portray how much different the emphasis is in dollars and number of lawyers and number of operatives that the Democrats have in the field. And they don’t think of this as something that surrounds a particular election day. They think of this as something they do 365 [00:31:30] days every year, 24 hours and every day. It’s a full-time job for them to do this. But what are some of the numbers that jump out that describe this?

Cleta Mitchell (31:40):

Well, the Capital Research Center has something called Influence Watch, and they started tracking this about five, six years ago.

Bill Walton (31:48):

That’s on their website.

Cleta Mitchell (31:48):

It’s on their website.

Bill Walton (31:48):

We’ll get that.

Cleta Mitchell (31:51):

influencewatch.org or capitalresearchcenter.org. And they have done deep dives into researching [00:32:00] what they call the left’s massive voting machine, and it is enormous. Pierre Omidyar is one of their chief funders. He is an eBay billionaire, and he started something, I want to say in 2011, 2012, called the Democracy Fund. It is like a venture capital fund except that it gives money. He put 250 million [00:32:30] into it to start and has invested more than that since. And it was to start all of these left wing advocacy groups and the election space.


And the Capital Research Center has estimated that since about 2012, the left… And that includes left-wing billionaires, left-wing foundations that together that they have invested between 11 and $14 [00:33:00] billion into the election space. And that goes to everything but changing the way the laws, how we vote. I mean, we can all remember, I think we’re all old enough to remember election day. We don’t have election day anymore. We have election season.


Ballots are going out in states like North Carolina as we speak. Virginia has, what, 45 days of early voting. [00:33:30] And when you have people voting by mail, let’s just go through all the laws over the last 100 years that were put in place to protect the secret ballot for people to be able to cast a ballot without undue political influence. That’s why you can’t campaign within so many feet of the polls.


You have this little booth so you can make sure you mark your vote in private. When you have voting by mail, all those protections go out the window. Democrats don’t want those protections. They want to be able. They don’t view people as [00:34:00] individuals making a decision. They view these as collectives of votes. So every single aspect of our voting system has been studied and upended by one or more of these leftist groups. And for every single issue or component of the voting process, you have dozens, dozens of left-wing groups that just focus on that.


It’s pretty shocking. I’m surprised we are able to win [00:34:30] anything. And sometimes I just want to pull the covers over my head, but then I remember that if we can just stop them this time… That’s why when the President Trump says, “This is a most important election.” I think it is. Because if we can’t stop them this time and if they are able to continue to manipulate the process, they will fix it where we can’t ever win again. We’re almost there, and I think this is our last best hope to be able to stop them and then to start reversing some of [00:35:00] these provisions in law.

Bill Walton (35:03):

Jim, you want to jump in on that?

Jim Agresti (35:04):

Sure. So everything that Cleta is saying, it’s quite frankly stuttering. Her depth of knowledge on this is amazing, being blown away by what she’s saying. But want to add on top of that, you have a political machine built into the media and into big tech. Particularly with Google, who several years ago instituted [00:35:30] a process called or an algorithm change called Your Money or Your Life. And according to the internal Google documents, which I have, which they posted and then took down, but I saved a copy of and reposted, they basically decided if an issue impacts your money or your life, i.e. anything in the world of public policy, we are going to select the sources we deem to be most credible because this is important.


[00:36:00] These are issues that can really impact you. And what you find now is since that process started, I think it was 2013 or 2014, the Google algorithm has been completely retooled to emphasize sources on the left. And this is where people go when they’re looking for information in this day and age. They might see this video and say, “Well, let me check out to see if what Jim and Cleta are saying is true.” And they’re going to end up with a bunch of left-wing [00:36:30] nonsense.

Bill Walton (36:31):

Where are we going to find that?

Jim Agresti (36:34):

Where are you going to find what? The Google thing?

Bill Walton (36:36):

Yeah. Where do you have that posted?

Jim Agresti (36:37):

Just Facts has an initiative called Just Facts Academy, justfactsacademy.org.

Cleta Mitchell (36:40):


Jim Agresti (36:43):

We have a video there and documentation for it on how to use search engines properly. It’s part of our research series.

Bill Walton (36:53):

You know Robert Epstein?

Jim Agresti (36:55):


Bill Walton (36:56):

He’s done all the work on Google, and he believes that they’re already influencing [00:37:00] five, 10% of the vote every time. The story about the you click on something and page the first things you see are all the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN.

Jim Agresti (37:12):


Bill Walton (37:13):

Et cetera, et cetera, Wikipedia, and you’ve got to go to page eight or nine to find anybody. And increasingly you can’t even find it on page eight or nine-

Cleta Mitchell (37:21):

That’s right.

Bill Walton (37:22):

… to find somebody who agrees with us.

Cleta Mitchell (37:26):

I’ll give you an example of that. Do you remember just in June [00:37:30] when the RNC published a video that showed all of the Biden Falls wandering off when he was in Normandy and all of the… They did. The RNC research department published this video and the left went berserk. And the media all said the same thing. It’s a deep fake video. They’re using AI. All the things that they said, but they all said exactly. CBS, ABC [00:38:00] all said exactly the same words.


So I’d heard about it and I went to Google to see what they were showing. And I put in this for the search RNC video Biden. I could not find on any page, on no page just with the search that I could not… It did not appear. Not on page one, not [00:38:30] on page nine. It did not appear. The only way I found it was to go to the RNC Research Twitter account, and that had the video. That tells you it is deliberate. Dr. Epstein, I asked him about if he could show any particular impact in the Virginia 2023 legislative races, and he came back and said, based [00:39:00] on his research, because he now has a way of capturing all of this and retaining it, that he estimates that Google costs the Republicans seven senate seats, state senate seats in Virginia in 2023.

Bill Walton (39:13):


Cleta Mitchell (39:14):

Now that’s pretty shocking. And it tells us, I think Jim has put his finger on it, this big tech influence and suppression of thought and ideas is [00:39:30] pretty shocking and very scary.

Bill Walton (39:32):

So swinging back to where we started, how, Jim, or Cleta, how do we estimate the number of votes that are likely to be different in the election coming… Or this election season? How will the illegals influence the vote totals?

Jim Agresti (39:52):

Well, according to the best, most rigorous, most transparent data I can find, it’s going to be approximately [00:40:00] one to two and a half million people will vote illegally. I don’t know exactly where. I can’t pinpoint that. I don’t have that kind of precision. Are you going to say something Bill or ask something?

Bill Walton (40:13):

Well, I was just going to ask the question, does this explain why they’re sending these illegal immigrants to certain states? I mean, they know where they need the votes. You wonder why 20,000 Haitians show up in Springfield, Ohio? Well, Ohio is a red state. Maybe they think [00:40:30] they can get some of those people voting and move Ohio. Do we think the master plan includes where these people are going into where it would matter for vote totals?

Jim Agresti (40:41):

I can’t read their minds, but I can tell you this, in certain moments of candor, their agenda becomes very clear. I’m thinking about a speech that Eliseo Medina who was head of the SEIU, gave to a large group of union members basically saying, “We have to get [00:41:00] amnesty.” He used the politically correct term. A pathway to citizenship for all of these people undocumented to give Democrats a permanent majority.” That’s straight out of his mouth. I don’t need to read his mind. I don’t need to hypothesize. He said it.

Cleta Mitchell (41:19):

Well, and I think you look at… Let me just give you a snapshot about Wisconsin. The Chairman of the State Elections, the Legislating House Elections [00:41:30] Committee held a hearing in May of 2024, and he brought in the head of the Department of Transportation and the head of the Wisconsin Election Commission and just asked what information do you have in the Department of Transportation that could assist in determining whether we have non-citizens on the voter rolls in Wisconsin?


Well, ultimately, the Department of Transportation acknowledged a couple of things. One, yes, they do have citizenship data. It’s not perfect, but [00:42:00] every state is basically compliant at this point or virtually compliant with real ID. Remember that was a law passed by Congress after 9/11 and its effective date has been pushed back to… Now the effective date is May of 2005, that you have to be a citizen of the United States or permanent resident in order to get a real ID.


And that is what you have to have in order to enter a federal building, board a commercial airplane [00:42:30] or enter a federal military installation. So states across the country have over the past 10 to 15 years been acquiring citizenship data. And so the legislature in Wisconsin asked the Department of Transportation to allow the voter rolls in the possession of the Wisconsin Election Commission to be run against that citizenship data banks or to have the Department of Transportation turn it over to the Legislative Audit Bureau.


Guess what? It’s September. [00:43:00] That has not happened. So now there is a lawsuit. Let’s pray that that is addressed quickly and that they’re able to run that data. As I say, it’s not perfect, but one of the reasons it matters in Wisconsin is because we know Wisconsin is a very close state. We know that the presidential election was decided by approximately 20,000 votes in 2020. And we know that there are very active left wing groups, Catholic charities, Lutheran social services, [00:43:30] who are responsible for many, many thousands of illegals that they’re bringing all over the state of Wisconsin.


And the Department of Transportation has signs posted everywhere saying, “No birth certificate, no documents, no problem.” They will give you an ID, which looks exactly like, it looks exactly like a driver’s license. There’s no distinguishing characteristic. And they have same day voter registration in Wisconsin. So all you have [00:44:00] to do is show up with your ID that looks like a driver’s license and you’re given a ballot.


And we already know one final fact about Wisconsin is that after the 2020 election, there was a study done by the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty. No Trump supporters, those guys, but it was a good study and it showed that the law that requires post-election confirmation of identity and residency, I don’t know what good [00:44:30] that’s supposed to do you because their ballots have already been counted, but they are supposed to go back and confirm that the people who showed up and registered on election day or who they say they are, there were more than 25,000 mismatches, no matches. More than the margin of victory for Biden in Wisconsin in 2020. So that’s how granular the left thinks. And I think that that is the biggest threat in Wisconsin.

Bill Walton (45:00):

[00:45:00] So we need to get out of here. We’ve spent a lot of time piling against all odds and all the things we’ve talked about. Let’s see if we can win this election. What can we do between now and then? I mean, one big thing is make sure we get everybody who is philosophically aligned with us to get out and vote. And given this scenario, maybe vote often.

Cleta Mitchell (45:25):

[inaudible 00:45:29]

Bill Walton (45:29):

What should [00:45:30] we be doing right now? I mean there are a lot of things. If we win when we win, we can do, but what can we do in the next 60 days?

Cleta Mitchell (45:38):

Let me give you two things. Number one, I am very serious. I would love everybody to go to the onlycitizensvotecoalition.com website, download the resources there. Just pick something. Go to your local election board. Go to your local county commissioners, ask them to pass a resolution. Ask them to run the database of [00:46:00] citizenship information that agencies in the county have against the voter rolls.


Create activity, write a letter to the editor, get on a local radio talk show. There are things citizens can do. Make noise on this non-citizenship voting issue. And if you are interested in helping, because we are… I am working on raising funds that I in turn give to local groups who are doing things like [00:46:30] fighting with secretaries of state to clean up voter rolls, then contact me at cleta@cletamitchell.com

Bill Walton (46:37):

What’s your website? I’m a contributor there. How do we reach that to contribute money to your effort?

Cleta Mitchell (46:45):

Well, you’ll have to contact me because I don’t have a website for my Fair Elections Fund for a reason.

Bill Walton (46:49):

That’s right. Okay.

Cleta Mitchell (46:51):

People can email me if they want to give money. Don’t ask me where to volunteer. If you want to volunteer, get involved in the Only Citizens Vote Coalition [00:47:00] or sign up to be a poll watcher, a poll worker. And to do that, just go to whoscounting.us. That’s Who’s Counting. Just whoscounting.us. And if you want to sign up to be involved in the election process, that’s where you go. And we’ll make sure you get assigned in your state.

Bill Walton (47:21):

Okay. So that sounds like a plan. Let’s do it. We’ve got to get out and make these things happen. [00:47:30] I’ve got a billion other questions. I have to get you back for more, but I think we’ve got our to-do list here and we’ll get all these sites up on our site so people can find them.

Cleta Mitchell (47:45):

That’d be great.

Bill Walton (47:46):

You’ve also got a very good video of your testimony about a three-minute and other people’s testimony detailing some of these other things. We’ll make that part of this episode.

Cleta Mitchell (47:56):

Great. Thank you.

Bill Walton (47:58):

And, Jim, we’re going to be linking your [00:48:00] work on this to that as well. So thanks, guys. Jim Agresti, Just Facts, Cleta Mitchell, so many things you’ve done, all things electoral integrity. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I mean-

Cleta Mitchell (48:12):

Thank you.

Bill Walton (48:12):

… you guys are out fighting the fight gives me a lot of hope.

Jim Agresti (48:16):

Thank you for having us on, Bill.

Cleta Mitchell (48:18):

Thank you very much.

Bill Walton (48:18):

Thanks for joining.

Cleta Mitchell (48:19):

Thank you.

Bill Walton (48:20):

Anyway, this has been The Bill Walton Show and stay tuned for more like this in the near future. So thanks for joining and hope you found this edifying. Send us your comments. [00:48:30] Of course, wherever you’re looking at this, subscribe.

Cleta Mitchell (48:34):

Thank you.


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