EPISODE 51: Part 1: Half Earth for Species Protection with Ron Maxwell and Skipper Darlington
The population of humans has almost tripled since 1950, and the impact on other species has been profound. Humans have absorbed vast amounts of habitat for living space and farmland, leading to the extinction of hundreds of species and threats to countless others. Ron Maxwell and Skipper Darlington join Bill Walton to talk about a radical but oddly simple and doable solution.

Episode 291: The Ministry of Green Truth: Mark Mills Exposes America’s $6 Trillion Energy Fantasy

Episode 290: Fifth Generation Warfare: Where Hypersonic Missiles Meet the Healthcare State
What if modern warfare has evolved beyond anything history’s great strategists could have imagined? While Metternich orchestrated the balance of power through diplomatic summits and Machiavelli counseled princes on maintaining state authority, today’s battles for sovereignty unfold in unlikely places: doctors’ offices, veterinary clinics, and local zoning boards across America.
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Episode 289: The Bird and the (Babylon) Bee

Episode 288: The Secret Game: A Fast Break to Freedom