
Bill’s Guest Gigs, Interviews, and Other Appearances

Bill on Secure Freedom Radio 2/15/22

The Durham special prosecution investigation has now taken what seems to be, at long last, a turn many of us have prayed for in the belief that if there is no rule of law in this country, there won’t be much of a country left in fairly short order. Bill, talk to us a little bit about what developed on Friday in terms of that investigation and its implications, as you see them.

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Bill on Secure Freedom Radio 2/7/2022

Bill Walton, it’s good to have you back with us. One of our favorite beats is China, and it is the gift that keeps on giving in a very diabolical way. I want to go through with you a number of topics that bear on this issue of its unrestricted warfare against us, and in particular Bill, the degree to which we are enabling it with our corporate support, sponsorship, technology transfers, either voluntary or involuntary transfer of intellectual property and the like. There are eight companies that have been particularly identified as complicit with China in these and other regards. Walk us through what we know about them and why this is such a [crosstalk 00:01:48].

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Bill on Secure Freedom Radio 12/6/21

Much to talk about in your domain. Bill, there was a webinar that our committee on the present danger in China held on Thursday of last week. I was very pleased that you were one of those who made a presentation. I’d be interested in your take at large, but also specifically about the topic that you addressed, which was as a former master of the universe, as they say yourself, what are these capitalists on Wall Street thinking when they take steps that underwrite the mortal enemy of this country with their client’s money?

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Bill on Secure Freedom Radio 11/29/21

There’s a new strain headed our way. And so I hope you are well positioned with your natural immunities to stave that off. Let me ask you Bill, we’re going to be doing speaking of China, a webinar about the extraordinary, indeed almost I think unprecedented degree to which one country’s financial sector is underwriting the threat posed to that country by another, in this case Wall Street’s use of our pension funds and other index funds, 401k plans, the like, mutual funds, to especially enable all of the various things the Chinese communist party is doing to threaten this country. You are going to be participating in a webinar on this subject, I’m very pleased to say on Thursday of this week from 1:00 to 2:30 Eastern time brought to us by the Committee on the present Danger of China, of which you and I are members. I wanted just to get your thoughts on specifically the topic we’ve asked you to address, which is what an earth are these masters of the universe on Wall Street thinking as they engage in this obviously self destructive behavior.

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Bill on Secure Freedom Radio 11/17/21

One of the hardy perennials of our conversations of course is what the Chinese communist party is up to, Bill, that is both exploiting our financial resources, most especially in connection with the financial sector, transferring by some estimates, multiple trillions of dollars in American investors portfolios to the Chinese communist party, even the people’s liberation army, incredibly enough. But there’s another whole slew of American companies that also are anxious to do business with the Chinese, besides Larry Fink at BlackRock and his ilk. And they got a letter from the Chinese communist party embassy here in Washington last week. What do we know about that letter and what was the thrust of it? What do you think it’s implications will be?

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