Mark Tapscott
Mark Tapscott is an award-winning veteran investigative journalist who covers Congress for The Epoch Times, and the founding editor of HillFaith, the website of a Christian ministry devoted to presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to congressional aides in the nation’s capital.
Mark was admitted to the National Freedom of Information Act Hall of Fame class of 2006, and he was named the Conservative Journalist of the Year in 2008 by CPAC. He was a consulting editor on the Colorado Springs Gazette Pulitzer Prize winning series “Other Than Honorable” in 2014.
Prior to his journalism career, Mark worked for President Ronald Reagan as communications director at the Republican National Committee and as Assistant Director for Public Affairs at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. He worked for a U.S. senator and two representatives prior to joining the Reagan-Bush campaign in 1980.
Episode Appearances
Episode 242: The Surgeon General Now Wants To Cure Your Loneliness: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? with Stella Morabito and Mark Tapscott
Guest(s): Stella MorabitoMark Tapscott
In one of our most talked about episodes, Stella Morabito came on the show in May to talk about her book The Weaponization of Loneliness: How Tyrants Stoke Our Fear of Isolation to Silence, Divide, and Conquer.
We talked about the dangerous tyranny of thought creeping into American lives. Government, social media and a new kind of “ruling class” are increasingly working to control speech and behavior and isolate us from one another. This effort is intensifying and spreading throughout society’s institutions.
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