Matt Schlapp

In 2014, Matt Schlapp was unanimously elected as Chairman of the American Conservative Union (ACU), the nation’s original conservative grassroots organization. ACU is committed to educating and converting those who may not know that they are conservatives as well as informing, inspiring and motivating those who are solid conservatives. They do this by hosting the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and their Foundation (ACUF) has ranked every Member of Congress for 45 years.  ACUF also scores every state legislature as of 2015.

Matt’s executive branch experience began in President George W. Bush’s first term where he eventually served as White House political director and deputy assistant to the president. During his tenure at the White House, Matt advised the President, the Vice President, members of the Cabinet and senior White House staff and maintained extensive contact with members of Congress and federal agencies.

Prior to working at the White House, Matt worked on Capitol Hill as a press secretary, chief of staff and campaign manager to Representative Todd Tiahrt (R-KS). During Matt’s tenure, Tiahrt averaged an ACU Rating of 98%. He transitioned from the Hill to the presidential election in Austin, where he served as a regional political director.

Matt’s political commentary appears regularly in broadcast and print media, including FOX News, MSNBC, CNN, C-SPAN and in the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, the Washington Times,  Politico, Breitbart and the Daily Caller. He is a columnist for The Hill newspaper and a co-host of CPAC 365, a weekly radio show on Sirius XM radio.

Episode Appearances

Episode 71: “Behind the Scenes of the Conservative Movement and The Republican Party” with Matt and Mercedes Schlapp


Guest(s): Mercedes SchlappMatt Schlapp

Matt and Mercedes Schlapp give us a behind-the-scenes look at the conservative movement. Mercedes is the current communications director for the Trump/Pence re-election campaign and Matt is the chairman of CPAC.

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Episode 132: “Combating Woke Capitalism” with Justin Danhof and Matt Schlapp


Guest(s): Justin DanhofMatt Schlapp

For years, major American corporations have been drifting to the political Left. 

Now that drift seems more like a tidal wave. Companies like Coca Cola, Delta Airlines … and even Major League Baseball have, for example, condemned Georgia’s legislature’s effort to protect free and fair elections. 

And increasingly the very top echelons of many big corporations – the C Suites and the boards of directors – are filled with people on the left promoting a “woke” agenda.

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Episode 130: “Refounding America” with Mercy and Matt Schlapp


Guest(s): Matt SchlappMercedes Schlapp

This past year has been filled with adversity, but with tough times can come great blessings. In my case, Sarah and I have found a wonderful blessing in our friendship with Mercy and Matt Schlapp and their five daughters. We all found ourselves locked down in our places in Madison and Rappahannock County, Virginia during the pandemic. So what did we do?

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Episode 161: “Whose Interest Does Big Business Serve?” with Justin Danhof and Matt Schlapp


Guest(s): Matt SchlappJustin Danhof

In the past decade, America’s big businesses have increasingly moved to the political left. For evidence, take a look at their actions and stances on critical race theory indoctrination, vaccine mandates, radical climate change agendas, boardroom “diversity”, doing business and making common cause with a hostile China, etc … on issue after issue they align with the “woke” left. Now even the Federal Reserve and the Securities Exchange Commission are weighing in to support these agendas

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Episode 173: The Desecrators with Matt & Mercy Schlapp


Guest(s): Mercedes SchlappMatt Schlapp

The subtitle of Matt Schlapp’s new book, written with Deal Hudson, sums up well why this book is a must read.   Defeating the cancel culture mob and reclaiming one nation under God   They write: “For half a century, people of faith have seen traditional ideas of morality undermined as a cascade of progressive revolutions impacted society. The waves of change hit the shores, but most nevertheless believed that families, the Church, truth, and education would all weather the storm.

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