From the Speakeasy

Conversations with Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Artists and Thinkers

The Bill Walton Show

Episode 33: “Entitlements aka Promises That Governments Can’t Keep” with Jim Agresti


Guest(s): Jim Agresti

The next time you feel the urge to join a major protest to condemn the elite, powerful forces who are supposedly making your lives worse, don’t bother. The event is most likely organized by elite, powerful forces who are getting rich off your activism while you don’t make a dime or a dime’s worth of difference.

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Episode 32: “The Case Against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money” with Bryan Caplan


Guest(s): Bryan Caplan

It’s long seemed obvious that if we want to truly fix education, actually make it work for the 21st century, we need to kill a stockyard full of our sacred cows. And we had just the man for the job on The Bill Walton Show this week. Bryan Caplan, a professor of economics at George Mason University and author of “The Case Against Education: Why the Education System is Waste of Time and Money,” described the findings in his book and provided some stark recommendations based on them. First, he said, we need to understand what we’re doing in school. There is the romantic version, he said – you go, learn skills employers are interested in, then get jobs with those employers performing those skills. More likely is what he calls the “signaling school of education.” You mostly go to school to get certification, “a bunch of seals of approval saying, ‘Grade A worker’ or ‘Grade B worker.’” But, regardless of the grade, you need a seal.

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Episode 31: Chill. Trump Knows Putin is KGB. Expect Some Unconventional Success with Russia


Guest(s): Herman Pirchner

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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Episode 30: America’s Crumbling Highways with Bob Poole


Guest(s): Bob Poole

Famed economist Milton Friedman called America’s highway system a “socialist enterprise” and he was right. America’s roads are in desperate need of repair and the federal government is clearly incapable of maintaining them efficiently. Drivers pay tens of billions of dollars in gasoline taxes every year and our infrastructure problems only seem to get worse.

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Episode 28: The Schools We Need with Jeanne Allen and Sarah Walton


Guest(s): Sarah WaltonJeanne Allen

America’s K-12 education system and institutions were designed in a different era for a different society, and we are at grave risk today from this obsolete system, which fails to prepare all children to succeed as adults. In fact, the system we have now was never designed or intended to reach all children.

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Episode 27: It’s Time to Get Serious About China with Stefan Halper and Pat Mulloy


Guest(s): Stefan HalperPat Mulloy

Just this year, the Chinese Communist Party held an election in the Great Hall of the People where Xi Jinping was voted “President for Life.” The vote was 2,958 for and six against. With this vote they proclaimed that China is now realizing its dream of national rejuvenation, and it’s grand strategy to restore its Empire.

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Episode 26: Why Bernie Sanders should understand Human Agency with Dr. Anne Rathbone Bradley


Guest(s): Anne Rathbone BradleySarah Walton

My guest, Dr. Anne Rathbone Bradley, the free market economist and moral philosopher, wants to sit down with Bernie Sanders over a cup of coffee to talk about how to achieve the goals he proclaims. There’s a right way and a wrong way, and he’s not going to get there the way he’s going.

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Episode 24: The Politics of Nostalgia with Yuval Levin and Arnold Kling


Every day, we’re confronted by headlines that reveal the ever-widening chasm between left and right in America. What’s driving this hyper-polarization? And are there any solutions? Thanks to a stimulating conversation with National Affairs Editor Yuval Levin of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and independent scholar and economist Arnold Kling, I’m learning that there are some pretty fundamental cultural trends that we need to understand if we want to get at the roots of our frustrations. In part, they lie in what Yuval calls the “politics of nostalgia.” For Arnold, the author of The Three Languages of Politics, our speech is exacerbating America’s political divide.

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Episode 23: “China’s led by Engineers, the U.S. by Lawyers. What could possibly go wrong?” with Riley Walters and Herman Pirchner


Guest(s): Riley WaltersHerman Pirchner

How would you react if the government put facial recognition cameras everywhere and kept tabs on your every move – right down to to how many squares of toilet paper you are using? It’s happening in China, as the communist government there clamps down on freedom and ramps up its economic and territorial ambitions in its quest to become the dominant player on the world stage.

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Episode 21: What Acting Teaches You about You with Leigh Wilson Smiley


Guest(s): Leigh Wilson Smiley

It was the 21st episode of The Bill Walton Show, but there were a lot of firsts. For the first time, we warmed up for a show. It was not the cacophony of listening to an orchestra prepare to perform, although the difference between the sounds made during the warmup and the actual performance were almost as dramatic. Instead, there was deep breathing, sighs big enough to be felt in every bone in the body, and burbling. Yes, burbling.

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Episode 14: Bill talks Tax Cuts and Jobs Act with Adam Michel and Rachel Greszler


Guest(s): Adam MichelRachel Greszler

It’s beginning to look like an opportunity squandered. Our pro-prosperity president wants a pro-growth tax package, but our Republican Congress cannot break out of self-imposed constraints and pass one. (Note: The information in this show is current as of November 11, 2017)

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Episode 12: “Republic For Which We Stand” With John B. Henry, Bill Nitze, Bruce Fein


Guest(s): John B. HenryBill NitzeBruce Fein

The Bill Walton Show: Episode 12 – Playwright John B. Henry and citizen actors Bill Nitze and Bruce Fein join fellow thespian Bill Walton to discuss “Republic For Which We Stand”, a new play by Mr. Henry which portrays the behind-the-scenes struggle of the Founding Fathers and Mothers in drafting the constitution to give only Congress the power to declare war.

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