From the Speakeasy

Conversations with Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Artists and Thinkers

The Bill Walton Show

Episode 97: “Paying the Price of Panic” with Dr. Jay Richards

Episode 92: “The Covid Coup” with Angelo Codevilla

Guest(s): Angelo Codevilla

“From early March 2020 on, the best-known authorities on epidemics—the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control— have presented the COVID-19 respiratory disease to the Western world as a danger equivalent to the plague.

But China’s experience, which its government obfuscated, had already shown that the COVID-19 virus is much less like the plague and more like the flu.

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Episode 91: “Howard Zinn’s War on History” with Jarrett Stepman and Dr. Mary Grabar

Guest(s): Jarrett StepmanMary Grabar

There is no historian like Howard Zinn.

Certainly no other history book has taken the place of the Bible at the swearing-in of an elected official . But in 2019, Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History” was the sacred object on which newly elected Oklahoma City council member JoBeth Hamon chose to place her hand for her oath of office .

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Episode 90: “Forget Covid 19. Worry about EMP.” With Dr. Peter Vincent Pry and Frank Gaffney.

Guest(s): Frank GaffneyDr. Peter Vincent Pry

It’s time to wake up to an existential risk that looms infinitely larger than anything posed by the Covid 19 virus.

     Electromagnetic pulse (EMP).

EMP can be caused by a naturally occurring solar storm, a nuclear weapon or something as simple as a manmade suitcase sized device and would collapse electric grids and electrical critical infrastructures all over the world

A nationwide blackout lasting one year could kill up to 90 percent of the American people, through starvation, disease, and societal collapse.

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Episode 89: Why Ayn Rand Matters Today with Tal Tsfany

Guest(s): Tal Tsfany

Many of us have read Ayn Rand’s novels especially, “Atlas Shrugged” and the “Fountainhead.” But I have been surprised to learn how her ideas and philosophy have continued to resonate throughout the world many years after her novels were first published.   To learn more about this I asked Tal Tsfany, President and CEO of the Ayn Rand Institute to come on the show to talk about the Ayn Rand phenomena.   Mr. Tsfany has a great personal story having been an software entrepreneur, investor and executive in both Israel and the United States.  In a fascinating conversation we talk both about Ayn Rand’s ideas and Tal’s personal journey toward her philosophy.

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Episode 88: “Enough is Enough” with Donna Rice Hughes and Colby May

Guest(s): Colby MayDonna Rice Hughes

Some of society’s problems are just so upsetting that it’s hard to imagine that they continue to exist, or in fact, are spreading.

Well, this episode explores one of the worst: Internet child pornography and sex trafficking.

Internet pornography been called the largest unregulated social experiment in history.

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Episode 87: Reality Economics 101 with Don Boudreaux and John Tamny


Guest(s): Donald J. BoudreauxJohn Tamny

A must see and wide ranging conversation about all things economic with Donald Boudreaux, best-selling author, professor of economics at George Mason University who writes the popular blog Cafe Hayek and John Tamny, editor of Real Clear Markets, an editor for Forbes Magazine and the author of “The End of Work” and “They’re Both Wrong.”

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Episode 86: The True Human Costs of Government Imposed Lockdowns with Jim Agresti


Guest(s): Jim Agresti

Medical studies show that excessive stress and anxiety are among the most debilitating and deadly of all health hazards in the world. 

Beyond their obvious effects like suicide and substance abuse—these mental stressors are strongly related to and may trigger and inflame a host of ailments like high blood pressure, digestive disorders, heart conditions, infectious diseases, cancer, and pregnancy complications.

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