From the Speakeasy

Conversations with Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Artists and Thinkers

The Bill Walton Show

Episode 158: “After Covid: Recovering Our Liberty” with John Tamny and Don Boudreaux


Guest(s): John TamnyDonald J. Boudreaux

It’s almost two years on from the onset of the Covid virus and we know a lot now that we didn’t then. Society should be healing.

But we live in vitriolic and partisan times, and widespread disagreement abounds about what it was, what it is, what it isn’t and how to cope with it.

Yet to those who understand how economies work, this much seems clear: governments’ blunderbuss one-size-fits-all lockdowns and mandates have turned a manageable public health problem into a social, medical and economic catastrophe.

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Episode 157: “Standing Up For Truth” with Kevin Hassett


Guest(s): Kevin Hassett

First year economics classes usually begin the semester with the principles of supply and demand.

You learn that incentives matter and that to suggest otherwise is to betray basic principles of economics – and human nature.

You learn that you can ignore or violate these fundamental laws, but that you cannot change them.

You learn that throughout history the societies that have succeeded recognize and respect these economic laws – they use them to their advantage.

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Episode 156: “Liberty or Lockdown” with Jeffrey Tucker


Guest(s): Jeffrey Tucker

It is hard to overstate the assault  on civil liberties we are witnessing  in America today. 

What began over a year and a half ago as temporary government measures to keep us safe from a virus spread from China, have now metastasized into something much more sinister, spreading to all aspects of societies around the world. 

We need to name this thing, understand what’s happening to us,  and how to stop this threat to our freedoms. 

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Episode 154: “Restoring Our Election Integrity” with Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski


Guest(s): Ken KlukowskiKenneth Blackwell

Election Integrity:  Why we don’t have it, how we lost it and what to do about it.   In the election of 2020 we saw a dramatic loosening of the chain of custody of ballots. We saw an indiscriminate use of mass mail-in ballots. We saw a verification process junked and pushed aside. And as a consequence, we saw major irregularities in that election.  The result: a waning confidence among voters in the integrity of our election system.

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Episode 152: “The Administrative State vs Our Civil Liberties” with Philip Hamburger and Jenin Younes


Guest(s): Jenin YounesPhilip Hamburger

Joe Biden has mandated that businesses with more than 100 employees require every worker to be vaccinated or face weekly testing. It’s estimated this will impact over 80 million people or almost two thirds of the country’s workforce. 

Setting aside his dictatorial and offensive tone, does Joe Biden really have the power to do this or is it that under the guise of “keeping us safe,” federal state and local governments have trampled our constitutional rights with draconian regulations and emergency orders with arbitrary executive decrees?

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Episode 151: “The Afghanistan Debacle: What it Means for Americans” with Dr Stephen Bryen and Kyle Shideler


Guest(s): Dr. Stephen BryenKyle Shideler

The Afghanistan debacle. 

An in-depth look at its implications with Dr Stephen Bryen, Senior Fellow at the American Center for Democracy and Kyle Shideler, Director and Senior Analyst for the Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, both with the Center for Security Policy. 

So many questions. Why did we leave so precipitously? Who was behind it? Where do we go from here? 

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Episode 149: “Why America Must Remain the World’s Preeminent Seapower” with Russ Vought and Arthur Herman


Guest(s): Russell VoughtDr. Arthur Herman

After decades of cuts to shipbuilding and maintenance, the United States Navy has been stripped down to a fleet barely larger than it was 100 years ago, in 1916. 

Meanwhile, China has dramatically increased its spending on its Navy, as well as on its Air Force, cyberspace and electronic warfare capabilities. Alarmingly, Beijing is building islands in the South China Sea, threatening trade routes and menacing allies.

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Episode 148: “Vaccine Mandates?” with Professor Todd Zywicki and Jenin Younes


Guest(s): Todd ZywickiJenin Younes

On June 28th 2021, George Mason University announced its reopening policy related to the COVID-19 for the fall 2021 semester. The policy required all unvaccinated students and staff members – including those who can demonstrate natural immunity from prior COVID-19 infections – to wear masks on campus, physically distance and undergo frequent

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Episode 147: “Ahead of the Curve” with John Mauldin


Guest(s): John Mauldin

In this Part 2 of my show with John Mauldin, we range far and wide peering into an optimistic future for humanity. 

Near term, things look pretty bleak, but when you step back and look at the innovations and technologies that will end up enhancing and prolonging human life, the future holds a lot of promise. Billions of people have been lifted out of poverty in the past 50 years.

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Episode 146: “These People Are Crazy” with Steve Moore


Guest(s): Steve Moore

My guest this week is economist Steve Moore 

Our topic: the economy and how the trillion upon trillion dollar spending orgy in Washington is going to cause irreparable damage to America.

“This is an extremely dangerous time for our country. What happens over the course of the next three or four months will have decades worth of repercussions,” explains Steve.

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Episode 145: “America’s Intelligence Wars” with Ambassador Pete Hoekstra and Fred Fleitz


Guest(s): Ambassador Pete HoekstraFred Fleitz

We are living in a complicated and dangerous time in America.
American intelligence and national security should not be part of partisan politics but that is exactly what they’ve become.

“We saw it towards the end of the Obama administration, and the transition into the Trump administration,” according to my guest, Ambassador Pete Hoekstra.

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Episode 144: “Wokeness: A Grave Risk to America’s Military”


Guest(s): Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. BoykinJ. Michael Waller

Today we are witnessing a growing threat to our American military. A threat that is capable of doing what no foreign enemy ever could: 

Fracture the world’s greatest armed forces from within, through divisive political indoctrination and controls.

That threat is called “wokeness.” 

At its root, “wokeness” imposes the resentful mindset of an extremist few onto society – in this case the American military. 

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Episode 143: Previewing the “Covid Olympics”


Guest(s): Frank WazeterGreg Corombos

As COVID cases continue to climb in Tokyo, the nation is preparing to host the world in what may wind up being the most infamous Olympic Games ever.

The Bill Walton show team discusses the role the virus is already playing and impacting athletes.

There’s also the issue of wokeness as members of Team USA are expected to protest the National Anthem, while the media and advertisers will be in their own competition to use every opportunity to promote social justice campaigns.

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Episode 142: The Dictatorship of Woke Capital with Stephen Soukup


Guest(s): Stephen R. Soukup

For the better part of a century, the Left has been waging a methodical – and largely successful – war to control American institutions.

Our universities, K-12 education, the news media, Hollywood, federal government bureaucracies … to name just a few … have all fallen victim to what the Left calls their “long march.”

During most of that time American business and the military escaped infiltration and indoctrination.

But now this has begun to change – and dramatically.

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Episode 141: Debunking the 1619 Project with Phil Magness


Guest(s): Phil Magness

It’s becoming quite clear that one of the central aims of Critical Race Theory is to delegitimize and diminish the political and moral achievement that is the United States of America.

And with their 1619 Project, the New York Times has weighed in to rewrite American history by deconstructing institutions responsible for our prosperity and our success: free market capitalism and the United States Constitution.

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Episode 140: Talking with Charles Murray


Guest(s): Charles Murray

Identity politics, and charges of systematic racism and white privilege, pose an existential threat to the American experiment and risk tearing our country apart. In this episode, I talk with Charles Murray – one of America’s greatest social scientists – who has now weighed in on this crisis with his latest book: “Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America”

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Episode 139: Victims of Communism: Are We Condemned to Repeat the Past?


Guest(s): Ambassador Andrew BrembergEdwin Feulner

America has a problem.

Positive attitudes toward communism and socialism are at an all-time high in the United States.
Almost 40% of Americans now view them favorably and half of our kids in their 20s say they favor socialism. This demonstrates a stunning lack of knowledge of the evils of communism.

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Episode 138: “Thinking Again about the Unthinkable” with Dr. Peter Vincent Pry


Guest(s): Dr. Peter Vincent Pry

This show comes at time that this episode’s guest, Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, calls our “hinge of fate.”

Our topic is his riveting paper “Surprise Attack: ICBMs and the Real Nuclear Threat” where he lays bare the world’s current and future nuclear warfare realities.

It’s an issue that many simply do not want to think about.

As Peter puts it, “when it comes to nuclear weapons, U.S. and Western strategic culture mostly thinks and acts in a state of denial and unreality. Nuclear weapons of mass destruction are antithetical to our ethos.”

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Episode 136: Why Republican Glenn Youngkin could become the next Governor of Virginia


Guest(s): Glenn Youngkin

The most politically important election in America takes place this November – the race to become the next governor of Virginia.
This race will not be just about Virginia. It will be the first statewide election since Joe Biden took office, and will also be a referendum: How do voters feel about where Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are taking the country.

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Episode 135: “A Woke CIA is a Broke CIA” with Fred Fleitz and Mike Waller


Guest(s): Fred FleitzJ. Michael Waller

“I used to struggle with imposter syndrome, but at age thirty six I refuse to internalize misguided patriarchal ideas of what a woman can or should be. I am tired of feeling like I’m supposed to apologize for the space I occupied rather than intoxicate people with my effort, my brilliance. I am proud of me, full stop.”    Is this a quote from a self-help workshop in a “safe space” on a university campus?

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